Friday, November 30, 2007

hats off the Big Bill H

So like I had the geek squad configure my computer and they told me that they did the best they could and no refunds. I have dial up because I reall don't do anything except read newspapers and various sites. I had no Wifi. I had Offers to fix for 200.00 and 2 days. old friend asks for a shot and fixes it in 10 minutes


Sunday, November 25, 2007

Christmas is a coming and the family wants cash

November 25th

The long weekend is over; the expected snow fall was but a tracing. The cold weather meant the use the heater for the first time. The cat with an ordinary name (tcwaon) lies on the new bed stretching, and finding any excuse to climb on the laptop, make a plea for attention, and block the screen. Tcwacon is a beautiful kitty who has had a pretty easy life for a house cat, but had bad company prior to moving in with me.

I would be remiss if I didn’t mention that I have been 250 for a month and I have taken to the drink and fresh smoked Alaskan tobacco. My BS has been in the 120’s when I do do it. The three time I checked this weekend it was about 180. Now it is at 159. I’m listening to my random music files and it appears that Cwacon likes jazz but not the Beach Boys.

The sleepy time is about here and Gf is at her games, so I must return service
The game must be played, and played correct if it is to be played. It is 10:20 and there is no zero hour.

November 16th was a day to forget in 2000, it was the last for JFF or LJ as he was known. He had his last night of sadness, when he saw that he could not go on, he put his beloved 9mm against his temple and joined the universe.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

12:45 to Kitty Land

I may acquire a cat, I currently have joint custody of a cat in the sense that I pay for the food and medical and when GF lets me see her I play with the kitty. GF is still using, and despite she has gone through several houses and apts she can’t keep people from coming over and spoiling her gig. Despite getting an allowance to allow her to use without stealing, she still shoplifts crap and does (well you know trades) stuff with it. Having been banned from several supermarkets, restaurants, and small shops, she has apparently gotten caught at the only place close to her. Despite being warned (she has two current cases under review) she can’t help herself.

I often wonder if it were possible to create walled zones for addicts and let them use, share, and if they are careless OD on their own. Crime in the streets would drop, shoplifting would go away, and loved ones would be under some protection and we could sleep nights without wondering what news the next call would be?

GF almost has that now but may need a couple of months stretch to dry out and learn yet another lesion, and I will face expensive phone bills. I’ve found almost 100 letters from her previous stays (They closed my apt building to renovate but the unwanted were prevented from going to other places, I like this place a lot but it is smaller)

Soundtrack is pulling teeth and whiplash

Thursday, November 01, 2007

Funky looks awful

I was feeling pretty bad about myself and this summer gone by until I saw what Tom B. did to Funky Winkerbean. He looks worse than Bull.