Monday, January 14, 2008

Week two 2008 in script (not really)

So like I got on the scale cause (excuse me the cat wants attention, I put a feather n his nose and he is going crazy) I noticed my pants are tight and I have gained back 7 lbs over the holidays, not a lot and I know it is due to the sugar I have consumed during the course of the holidays. The hard fought dedication to avoiding sugar and the dreariness of the weather combined with my internalizing of the anger rising plus the many purchasing of little bottles of booze must have has a lot to do with the weight piling on, but can one really blame the booze, sugar without the indictment of fast food, (or fast fat as the weird or semi weird guy with the blank sandwich board on the corner yells into a bottomless super gulp cup substituting for a megaphone, although on reflection, if it actually amplifies the voice or resonates it, not is become an megaphone? Flammable though it may be, or not be) Fast food seems cheap but when you add it up it is really quite expensive. I get too internally depressed from pointless tasks at work to do much except take care of the cat and watch TV washing the only dishes I need at the moment, due to the availability of an oven for the first time in 7 years I have been feasting on frozen pizzas adding my own toppings in a misbegeiled attempt to make it seem like an accomplishment or endeavor, or the fantasy that” I am the pizza man” crafting exotic but tasty pies of pizza nature that would enthrall the taste buds of the most discriminate pallet or indiscriminate mouth of hungry worshipers, alas no it is crust barely above cardboard, sauce fortified by sugar, dehydrated meats and extras cut from the cows that survived the initial slaughter house, only to stagger into the abyss known as “off market meats”, a term so divisive in nature, so utterly descriptive, the mere mention that such products placed be in pet food would start off protests, riots, congressional hearings, boycotts and a war of words on the internets suggesting vegetarian meal for carnivores, the inhumane treatment of meats designed for human use, but no discussion of such products designed for frozen meals, because no admits to eating frozen pizzas, they will admit to Ramen noodles because of the romantic notion of meals available after the rent is paid or the end of the month awaiting the next payday or care package from home like a 7 yr old Christmas eve, anxious to see if he got the bike he wanted, because the bike represents freedom, a chance to ride like the wind and journey beyond the view of the domicile, a step toward independence while retaining the notion of a save haven or roof, the lack thereof is a major source of fear in these united states, a reality in most of the world.
500 words

Monday, January 07, 2008

First Week 2008

I haven’t lost any gained weight since the 1st month after I started testing my blood. Can’t stay from the sugar, but I have avoided the hooch for a week and the same with the smokes. I still have remained hateful in my attitude, but am trying to remain light. The big push is a coming and I am still fat. I have not slept well in a few days, but it is work related. The cat has finally jumped to the hightst level possible. Now he can land on a couch but it is harder to get there. His pervious spot was easier to get to but I think the landing was harder. He still likes his pampering early in the morning and that is when I brush him. I also brush him when I get home. He moves to whatever room I’m at and watches me before dozing off in one of his favorite places. It is late and I am tired.

Sunday, January 06, 2008

dreary sunday

So I’m working on the PC without the power cord and I discover that the battery is only good for like 45 minutes. I’ve tried to find a way to get the creative juices going, and the cat doesn’t want to play pull or wrassle and I am too tired to play light. Watching the cat prowl around but not finish the fight is disturbing until I realize that now the cat wants to wrassle and I am bleeding, I’m not bleeding badly, but there is some pain involved, not a lot mind you, but I am marked, not marked permanently mind you but enough to go over 100 words. The Simpson’s made no f’ing sense and King of the Hill is dumber than normal, and I can change the channel because the cat is lying on the remote

Tuesday, January 01, 2008

New Year, SOS

Normally I don’t make resolutions, but try to focus on improvements I can make. This year goals need to be made

1. Test blood every day
2. No smoking, take rest of Medication
3. No sugar
4. Early to bed
5. Organize paperwork at home and work
6. Be positive, don’t make others uncomfortable
7. Vacumn at least every other day to get cat hair
8. Wash all dishes, not the ones I need
9. Keep contact with loved ones
10. Focus on the task at hand

And walk every day at least 15 minutes

Philosophize later