Tuesday, November 15, 2016
Wednesday, November 09, 2016
Friday, October 28, 2016
My Letter of Resignation
To: NMDWS-xxxxxxx@state.nm.us>
Cc: Martinez, S, GOV, GOV <S.Martinez@state.nm.us>
Sent: Thu, Sep 29, 2016 5:18 pm
Subject: Good bye
Wednesday, September 14, 2016
Wednesday, August 24, 2016
Retire in 37 days
I'm done in 37 days, they will not fill my position, same sob who forced me out now wants my help to justify position. And trump sux
Wednesday, August 17, 2016
Saturday, June 11, 2016
Wednesday, February 03, 2016
Soul crushing arches
Once again I am trying a fitness revolution trial. This is the third year but I dropped out last year and I guess I was not alone. The challenge is easier this year I'm we set our own goals.
I've not taken to the cold snap. ZEN the feral kitty is doing ok. Still can't get her to come inside. The other kitties that have appeared want to . There is a new kitty that may have been abandoned who the other kitties don't like and runs at the first sight of humans.
The DA is still alive and I'm supposed to get paid tomorrow. 350.00 I'm promised. But she is hiding now she was supposed to go to doctor and clinics to get food stamps. She is usually a chatterbox about that stuff, and no call just a text she will call later.
Have I mentioned I really don't like my job and my self esteem is a minus 6.
Tuesday, January 19, 2016
Tuesday with the fat man
Well another holiday gone no more holidays till May today is January 19th and I'm a very sad panda. Did the weigh in weight at 249 wrote the orherof the stuff down but it didn't stick I didn't save it somehow anyway I'm mad at the world again I'm out of the DA the day supposed to get me money today but we'll see still haven't talked about what happened a couple weeks ago it still too painful when we today off to get a workout in and start my BMI is 1000006 I hope you're all doing fine I didn't sleep well but then again when do I. I saw Zen morning so this new black cat looks pregnant morning. I hate everything about everything