Thursday, September 30, 2004

Revenge of the Civics Teachers

September 30, 2004

George Bush must be defeated

The debates are tonight and I’m still puzzled as to why it is so close, I was discussing it with someone near the end of the day and a passerby voiced her opinion that she will vote for bush and the other person asked why and she said “Because he has good morals” I asked her what morals she is referring to and she retorted “you have no morals” which is funny and didn’t upset me, cause I can take a joke. I didn’t say anything back because I’m in enough trouble and this person is still ma at me for a prior argument where she felt I made her sound stupid, which was not my intent but a 12 yr old who reads would give me a better argument.

But that is not the point, I’m just venting because while I love arguing with a 5 yr old (being called a stupid dodo head cracks me up every time) it isn’t fun if the 5 yr old is actually in their 50’s

The point is that most people have no idea why they are voting one way or another. People vote one way because they are scared that the sky is falling and the other side votes one way because the current coconut is taking more stupid pills, but the opposition selects the absolute worst person to go against him

Its very discouraging if I wasn’t so fat I’d be very depressed about the current state of affairs in stead of being depressed about my weight, drinking, career, love life, aging, creativity and debt.

The absolute worst federal holiday is on the horizon, the battle is enjoined tonight, and I got up hours before dawn to get a haircut before work. Thank god for traditional Barbers

George Bush must be defeated

Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Isn't it fun to really get under the skin of a supervisor

September 29, 2004

George Bush must be defeated

Pissing off an employer or supervisor is not a pleasant task, when you are a civil service worker it can become an ordeal. First of all I have to admit culpability because several people have warned me that some of my “stories” are way out there and I can be loud (I have been referred to get my hearing checked, but I’m beyond the music motto “if its too loud you’re too old” but thee could be permanent damage). But what gets me is that there is this process that has to be followed. The supervisor in question is rather distant and cold but he has personal tragedy for which I respect but a simple “hey keep it down” goes a long way rather than keeping a mental log and lashing out at the Three supervisors above me who have no clue as to what is going on and delegating the news to me.

I think it is the content and not the fact that I was talking to some coworkers because I’m the only one who got mentioned, thee are fairly conservative people here, and some are in on the gag that I have aligned my self with Satan and I did so when I was 18 and couldn’t find my keys, (years ago I used the word Weed instead of Keys, but that was a different era), some aren’t and give me their bible spiel. I always ask them to show me where the Author’s name is and as you can imagine there is no humor about it.

Doomsday predictions scare people even if they are dumb and any believer doesn’t like it. Yet they always vote for the doomsayer, believing I suppose that Jesus will be waiting for them when Locusts of fire rain upon their home. I only comment that with Hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanoes making their appearance, this could be it.

Not Funny
More not funny, no supervisor is aware of my stories or the crowd that likes my stories, probably because some supervisors are part of the crowd. Or to the point that only the Top peeled banana for this corner o the building feels that there is a problem. Why anyone who puts up signs reminding us that “we are there to work” without specifically naming the problem, which could be done without naming names, is mystified why those signs are ignored after a few weeks is beyond me.

I understand about budgets but you would think it was the last days of Enron, I could be more professional but it isn’t in me. It could be the weight, the drinking, or the feeling that I know deep inside that I should be doing something else. I would not say I have a bad attitude because I get my tasks done and am willing to help others (which probably saves my ass) but I could do better.

Debates tomorrow, Kerry better pull it off and he better get a skin peel because if He looks like a dreamcycle he is toast

Once again is it me or does Bush look like Alfred E Newman, aren’t his eyes way too close together
George Bush must be defeated

Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Blog me Beethoven

George Bush must be defeated

As part of my endless attempt to reconnect neurons destroyed by unsupervised LSD experiments, when I was far too young to appreciate either the high or long-term effects. I purchased a few classical CD’s to jolt my creativity. I selected Beethoven’s 9th for 4 bucks at a cd place that sold used music. I wondered how desperate would someone have to be to sell used classical CD’s. That’s a high I don’t want to chase.

I also ordered the soundtrack to “immortal beloved” and an accompanying soundtrack. I am a severe novice to classical, as well as other music. (I’m of the belief that Metallica sold their soul to the devil after “and justice for all” to get fans). I see why people would sit in a concert hall dressed up listening to about a hundred musicians playing. While it is very pleasant to the ears I don’t fell any smarter, creative, or enabled. I do feel like I went to another place like when I first heard Dark side of the Moon on a FM station about 30 years ago.

I’m still eating a lot and my body won’t allow for minimal working out but I haven’t inhaled a quart of Whisky for a week or so but I still feel the need as the person I thought would be my better half is still banging her head against my will to compose my self. Active Substance Abuse users will do anything to keep contact with a human being or someone who doesn’t have the intense desire to suck on a glass tube and sell their soul to get the high. More fruit and water for my enlarged prostrate, more fiber to become regular. I can’t believe the conversations I have with people my age, and I’m not even 50. How did I go from a kid with a brilliant future to a career lower management man with limited resources? Booze, pot, TV and overestimation of my brilliance I believe. So it goes

Hurricanes to the right, Volcanoes to the north, Earthquakes to the left, and god only knows what will happen to the south, except it will be blamed on the Mexicans.

Work must be done, papers must be moved, time must be shuffled

George Bush must be defeated

Monday, September 27, 2004

I been away

It is very hard to keep writing in a blog and to write letters away, I've been thinking about posting the letters and editing them so no one who knows anyone could intrepret, but I don't know about that want to try posting pictures but I don't know how to do that. I should really look more into this but I spent this weekend loaring spyware onto the hard drive and then trying to get it to work. It was successful but I don't really notice any diference but I am still wired on 56k modem

Friday, September 10, 2004

an i a ass hole or what

September 10, 2004
Skipped a day, I visited my former old lady who still claims she is still my old lady and in a codependent sense she is but she has problems and she self mutilated herself again and is obtaining pain medication and blah blah blah. It drives me crazy just thinking about it
I just found out that Air America is now available and I listened to Al Franklin today. It is still too early to judge or make an opinion, but he is a very funny guy and some of the humor may be over the heads of people. It is very funny but he isn't executing it very well. I appreciate the humor and I am looking forward to having something else besides Imus to listen to.
So what up with Florida again? How many Hurricanes will hit before people move off the beaches all together? Would the police really shoot someone who wanted to go surfing in 50-foot waves to save them? Is God letting sending a message to that part of the country? Is the message Democratic or Republican? Is there a reason for all that water to be there? Why are the Bushes so sweaty? What do they know? When will the destruction end? Is it grammatically correct to have a paragraph made up entirely of questions?
I weigh about 265. I blame no one but myself, I cared what others said about me and I ate when I did not have the self-confidence to look within myself. But I was "chubby" as a kid but pretty active until college. I played a lot of hoop and I had a goal in my backyard and a big yard s most of the neighborhood played at my house to avoid the drug dealers at the park and the bullies at the boys club. I have gained about 3-5 lbs a year since I was about 21. To be at my ideal weight I need to lose about 120 and this summer I lost 20 lbs I wanted to work out yesterday but Ms Bugs-a-lot interrupted me, because of my injuries I can only go 2 miles an hour on the treadmill, how is it possible to go that slow? I'm going to get bruises bumping into the safety bar. Is it possible to go that slow when I can go faster?
Ok so my former old lady called me with another tale of woe except it involved all the appliances blowing out because of a power serge or something, she asked me why is all this happening to her and she has been calling every 20-30 minutes, so this time when she asked why is all this happening to her I replied "Because you are evil". She hung up and I think I will get out of any obligation of seeing her tonight.
I know I can be a prick but sometimes it is worth it.
At work with cubicles there is a phenomena about noise levels, it is very easy to hear everything and a lot of times if you make someone mad or make them look silly in a manner that they really can't get mad at or file a complaint, they will complain that that person 's voice is so loud they hear everything. Now everyone hears everything in 5 ft high cubicles built 20 years or so ago. There is no sound proofing materials. I wear headphones sometimes but it is very easy to overhear almost everything. Sometimes I hear someone say something silly and I laugh and they get mad at me. Turn it around they get mad they can hear me.

Tuesday, September 07, 2004