Wednesday, September 29, 2004

Isn't it fun to really get under the skin of a supervisor

September 29, 2004

George Bush must be defeated

Pissing off an employer or supervisor is not a pleasant task, when you are a civil service worker it can become an ordeal. First of all I have to admit culpability because several people have warned me that some of my “stories” are way out there and I can be loud (I have been referred to get my hearing checked, but I’m beyond the music motto “if its too loud you’re too old” but thee could be permanent damage). But what gets me is that there is this process that has to be followed. The supervisor in question is rather distant and cold but he has personal tragedy for which I respect but a simple “hey keep it down” goes a long way rather than keeping a mental log and lashing out at the Three supervisors above me who have no clue as to what is going on and delegating the news to me.

I think it is the content and not the fact that I was talking to some coworkers because I’m the only one who got mentioned, thee are fairly conservative people here, and some are in on the gag that I have aligned my self with Satan and I did so when I was 18 and couldn’t find my keys, (years ago I used the word Weed instead of Keys, but that was a different era), some aren’t and give me their bible spiel. I always ask them to show me where the Author’s name is and as you can imagine there is no humor about it.

Doomsday predictions scare people even if they are dumb and any believer doesn’t like it. Yet they always vote for the doomsayer, believing I suppose that Jesus will be waiting for them when Locusts of fire rain upon their home. I only comment that with Hurricanes, earthquakes, and volcanoes making their appearance, this could be it.

Not Funny
More not funny, no supervisor is aware of my stories or the crowd that likes my stories, probably because some supervisors are part of the crowd. Or to the point that only the Top peeled banana for this corner o the building feels that there is a problem. Why anyone who puts up signs reminding us that “we are there to work” without specifically naming the problem, which could be done without naming names, is mystified why those signs are ignored after a few weeks is beyond me.

I understand about budgets but you would think it was the last days of Enron, I could be more professional but it isn’t in me. It could be the weight, the drinking, or the feeling that I know deep inside that I should be doing something else. I would not say I have a bad attitude because I get my tasks done and am willing to help others (which probably saves my ass) but I could do better.

Debates tomorrow, Kerry better pull it off and he better get a skin peel because if He looks like a dreamcycle he is toast

Once again is it me or does Bush look like Alfred E Newman, aren’t his eyes way too close together
George Bush must be defeated

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