Wednesday, March 15, 2006

General Direction lacking

March 13-15

I’m winding down from a very long weekend and I’m watching the Soprano’s and I see that I weigh more than Tony Soprano and he thinks he is huge he is 282 and 6’1”
I am 284 and 5’31/2” (got to get that half inch in there [which is something I hear all the time {snort}])

I got to admit I was surprised when Tony got shot but I should have seen it coming. Uncle Junior was getting more and more paranoid and with his mental facilities failing it is not surprising that he flipped and Forgot Tony was in the House. But I got to think his family and “FAMILY” would not have left someone watching him 24/7 let alone the police search the house for guns while he was under indictment. Men who lose their mental capacity tend to talk I would think that He would be under guard.

What surprises me is the notion that none of these men who live off of crime have a contingency plan for cash when they get busted. The supposed head of a crime family in NY is relying on his brother in law who is an optometrist to run things in the house hold.

Maybe crime doesn’t pay.


Stuff happened that I can not remember except I actually cleaned the kitchen and bathroom floors because they are spraying today and I didn’t want to wash off the bug spray and I shredded about 20 credit card applications some of them not in English from the same bank.

And this story off of the A/P

The reigning Miss Deaf Texas died Monday afternoon after being struck by a train, officials said, She won the state title in June and represented the state “with dignity and pride,” state pageant director Laura Loeb-Hill told the Associated Press via e-mail Monday night
( I left some stuff out because …, well it doesn’t really matter who she is, and I would
She graduated last year from the Texas School for the Deaf, attended Austin Community College and then started at Gallaudet University in Washington, D.C., in January, but had returned to Texas, Loeb-Hill said. (that makes me think it wasn’t an accident)
© 2006 The Associated Press. All rights
Last night after watching 24 and taking G home I took my meds (sleep apnea) and got ready for bed when my dad called and said I had one hour to get on to (he repeated it like 6 times which doesn’t sound like a lot by have a conversation with someone about a web site and add in the “.com” every time and see if they don’t hit you with an ax about the 6th time) to get a plane reservation for three people and it has to be on the internet and his computer isn’t working right or something (he has a Pentium one) so I tried but I could get him there abut not back on requested day and he started flipping out and I felt like hitting my head with a ball peen hammer, and he didn’t want to hear about getting a new computer or giving me more than one hour and to be honest I don’ want to hear about paying for hi speed or cell phones but I am in the market but am un decided how I wand to spend about 2 grand. I may for right now go for an I pod to store my jpg files and what ever obscure music files I managed to download before Napster went off the air the first time.


Ides of March
Busier than hell
March madness tomorrow
I need sugar

Monday, March 13, 2006

Friday's post NO OZZFEST

Ozzfest may have let me down, they announced a few tour dates and the main stage is a band I’m not real familiar with. Every year Ozzfest had bands that I remembered from the start of non-hair band metal but with every passing year bands I’ve never heard of but enjoy come up. I just wish their vocals weren’t artificially distorted. I guess they are trying to sound like it is from internal psychological pain (I hope) or they are acting like the Devil herself.

My eternally depressed niece got her first job and I had a 10 minute discussion where she never said more than one word, “yes” ‘no” “Huh” “Maybe” and usually face to face we have a brief discussion but on the other hand I had those same kind of conversations with the older niece when she was 16 and now at 19 we actually have fairly active discussions about local topics but she is easily amused my age and POV. Much like all 19yrs olds and I was the same way with my old man and a couple of my uncles.

I’ve hit the wall physically, I am tired and it is an effort to stay upright. The day ends in a few minutes and I’ve been putting out a few fires but I am exhausted, I hope to write more tonight but it is hard to say

Thursday, March 09, 2006

A oil Country saves Bush's ass again

Gotta have my sugar

In 11 hours Ozzfest 2006 will be released
But I need my sugar
I woke up late this morning and went to Wendy’s and tried another sandwich it was ok but not worth 3.50
The best way to lose weight may be in the preparation of meals, making menus instead of winging it.

Lately I’ve been bemusing my lot in life and while my current profession has no real meaning for me other than to delay workloads until I face several deadlines. It gives my the impetus to work hard to meet these deadline and I haven’t missed one yet but with the horizon filled with the rising sun of the switch over I may be on a fools errand.

I just learned that Dubai is giving up its mission to run US ports, thus saving Bush’s ass. It is appalling that this president is so weak that a tiny OPEC nation has to step in and come to his rescue.

America is losing its might, and it may be just as well. During the Cold War America had to stand up and face the nuclear threat of the Soviet empire. With the threat gone maybe we should take a step back, let Asia self destruct and hope the fallout doesn’t hurt too bad. If America ever learned how to harness cheap energy, then third world countries would be the only consumers the Middle East would have. With local and friendly countries production would be enough to satisfy our needs. We will always need oil. Older cars would not make sense to switch over and it would take decades to replace new cars for older cars and some people will hang on to the older cars, unless fusion suddenly happened, there be no way to retrofit old cars.

With Bush’s ass getting saved again, I’m hoping he will go away quietly, I’m not happy about the Patriot Act, but he has the votes and since he governs out of fear time once again to show my signature on E mails

"They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety" Ben Franklin

I really believe that and I know that the Government is spying on average citizens, as we have lost all semblance of privacy long ago. And I expect the Government to spy, lie, and export lives for their own Glory.

I really Believe Bush thought he would end up on money, that he would have been hailed as the savior of the earth from tyranny that he brought freedom to the world and everyone became Christians. I bet he wonders how it all went to hell, who to blame.

To see our leader clues and in the hands of a despot like the vice-president boggles the mind.

I wonder what more I could have done.
I hope to have good news about OZZFEST later

Wednesday, March 08, 2006

Can one truly be depressed if no one is happy?

Can one truly be depressed if no one is happy?

I don’t like the heat, not one bit, not one iota, not even on a whimsy, not a sauna, maybe a hot tub every blue moon.

Mid morning in the mid city, VP Chaney has an 18% approval-rating, out troops are overstretched, recruitment is down, Troop moral is down due to over deployment, no one really fears us, (because of Bush’s folly any nation only has to draw us in and slowly bleed us and wait, I’m no genius and I know to win against America you just need time, road bombs, an suicide bombers) and so he goes and threatens Iran.

Whom is he kidding; the only one who could be afraid of Cheney is a hunting partner.

8:00 AM Energy Drink 180 Calories
10:40 Energy Bar 210 Calories
12:00 black forest ham sandwich 480 cal, salad 260 cal, coke150 cal, another coke 250 cal

Total so far 1530 yikes !!!!!

So it is lunch now over and I am waking up a bit but I am dismayed to see I have consumed 1500 calories already but in all fairness I am still drinking the coke and could have gone for diet coke but no way man. I also will not be buying the sandwich because I can make on like it at home and save the 6 bucks

I woke up at 1:30 this morning thinking it was about 5:00, and it took me a while to fall asleep, WHY because it was HOT! And as previously mentioned I do not like the heat.
Lunch is over I have many pieces to move around. I may do OT tonight cause I am behind and the others are going on a trip to dc next week so I have to catch up and train the others on what they will be learning in DC.

Another energy bar and let me state that the only thing worse than an energy bar is a store brand energy bar but what a wallop those 180 calories pack.

Total today 1710
I can see how those calories add up and it is somewhat disconcerting that it happens so easily. Damn 1700 calories so easily it will probably be up to 2500 by tonight. I aw someone n the elevator who I hadn’t seen in a while and he lost 40 using JC but he said the food isn’t bad but he was HUNGRY.

I’m really excited about OZZFEST 2006, ozzy won’t be there but I head System of a down will be there and I don’t know who they are but I will be getting the party like a rock star package, and since my sister got a new job with more $$$$ she will be with me. Last year I think it was 350.00 and we got great seats and great pictures and cool stuff. Announcement is tomorrow 9:00 eastern and tickets go on sale on the 15th. I am so looking forward to this I just hope the concert is in August and that will give me time to lose at least 30-40 lbs. And hopefully the fat pants I ordered will not fit by then.
Neigh is the time from whence we waited

Its 20 after 6:00 and I discovered that some of the functionality I need out of the new system is not available and is an enhancement in the sense that even if it was available before the new system it will cost money to put it back. BUT WHO CARES

OZZFEST 2006 announcement tomorrow night, I will be truly bummed if they don’t come top my hometown and I have to go to another city.

Rumor has it Metallica will headline, ooh ooh can’t take the excitement

Anyway it is coming time for the conclusion of this experiment
I may whine a lot but I am grateful or the people who keep and eye out for me and wish me good morning and really mean it.

Peace to all the well wishers

Tuesday, March 07, 2006

Suicide birthdays and Antiques Roadshow

Suicide – Little John, 38, a resident of our fine City for 24 years, died Thursday, November 16, 2000. His Big brother, and wife, sister in law of another fine city; aunt, Tia of yet another fine city; and two nephews, one and two survive him. His mother and father, and uncle preceded him in death; He was a member of Alcoholics Anonymous. Cremation has taken place. A memorial service will take place on Tuesday, 4:00 p.m., at The Cremation place The family requests memorial contributions be made to the Animal Humane Association.

Little John would hate my exposing his name so I won’t but even though he joined the universe almost 6 years ago I wanted to wish him a happy birthday and that had he stuck around for 9/11 he might have had a purpose in life.

ON 24 they killed off Edgar, which was very sad, I know he was a TV guy but he seemed like an every day guy and not like the other actors who could model in the Sunday ads for athletic wear. But it was ironic to see everyone one running in a panic and he just walks up like he is not in a hurry and sees what is happening and thank lies down and dies.

And a special shout out to the security forces, I think that the UAE bought the security and training for CTU.

Once again the fickle finger of fate strikes again, someone becomes a dad and brings an abundance of cupcakes, I take on to be polite (ok I wanted one anyway) and then I get my sugar Jones so I take another, and since they are next to the copy machine and they smell goooooood I have to stay away
To this point of the day

1 16 oz coke-zero
I Yoplait fat free yogurt
2 qt sugar free lemonade
1 small cowboy stew

The check issuance system has taken the week off and no checks are getting printed. And there are angry people who want their checks. Remember kiddies the Low bid usually means you get what you pay for.

Cowboy stew for lunch, yum yum, this is a concoction I used to call bachelor stew. Essentially it is pinto beans either plane or ranch style (what ever is on sale), mushrooms, onions, tomatoes and a chicken breast, or some kind of steak if it is on sale. Beef is really expensive and I usually buy steaks when they are half off and freeze them. Sometimes I add potatoes. It is cheap and easy to make and as they say back at the ranch, it sticks to your ribs.

I have dress pants and fat pants and my fat pants are wearing out (fat pants are more casual), My fat pants are wearing out and the store doesn’t carry them in my size anymore which is strange because as America gets fatter they will need places to shop. Although, if you think about it or if I think about it the stores are getting outdated by the evil Wal-mart and Internet shopping.
The weather is really nice outside and I should be walking but I found the excuse to not walk

Frequent urination due to frequent liquid intake. I know it is kind of gross but not really as seen by frequent trips to the supermarket I see adult diapers, and I always wondered if runners use them. I’ve never visited a marathon but someone I used to work with is running a marathon for cancer and has to raise 3500 so I gave her 1% but I wonder if nature calls do they just go to the nearest port a potty. I asked a serious runner that once and I guess he gets that question a lot because he told me that normally runners use up all their water and have to take on additional water so it isn’t a problem, and I reminded him that in the Olympics one year a woman runner had a diarrhea problem and she wore a “Special” outfit and even though favored she eventually lost. He remembered and was forced to admit I had a point and skulked away (he was a prima Donna athletic anyway always reminding me that excess weight will lead to health problems that society will end up paying for anyways, last time I saw him he was wearing a leg brace for some injury and couldn’t wait to get back running, I didn’t say anything mainly because he is bigger and still faster, (although that would not normally stop me but it is somewhat wrong to kick a guy while he is metaphorically down) and I kind of felt bad for him because he cannot do something he loves to do.)

But the urination is a good thing I guess cause I get to walk to the bathroom and see lots of porcelain. Which from watching the Antique’s Roadshow is very valuable. I wonder if I took a urinal from an old hotel if they would have quite the reaction.

“Well Sir-eat-a-lot what do you have here” “
Thanks Jim, I’ve brought a Urinal from a old hotel from the 40’s off of Route 66, they were tearing down the building because it had become a crack house and I grabbed it from the rubble”

” That is very interesting, I see you have not cleaned it in any manner which normally would detract from the value, however the smell is making quite a few of our visitors and the visible urine and rust stains is also probably making our viewers quite sick so security will be taking you away this minute, but I understand a man named Rusty is interested in buying it for “personal” use so he will be taken away as well.”

“Thanks for stopping by”

Isn’t that the kind of public channel you’d like to see, Little John would have liked it and it is in his spirit I came up with this episode because I’m sure we would have worked up a routine that would have disgusted many people.
Happy Birthday bro
Miss you much

Monday, March 06, 2006

Blameless Monday, happy birthday little john

Blameless Monday

I watched the Academy Awards last night and they seemed kind of tepid. Maybe I expected more out of John Stewart. On Larry Kink he expressed his problems with the current administration and the Democrats in a precise logical manner and then with the world watching he does nothing. He looked nervous, as if he wanted to say something but he didn’t pull the string. I guess I don’t know what I expected but he didn’t deliver and the awards were really ho-hum except that it is amazing how many beautiful women there are now and how really young and skinny they are. Back in my day (alert alert alert musings of an old man coming up) the women were more voluptuous and had curves. Todays are healthier and fit and I guess it if deciding between the two it is 6 of one kind and a half dozen of the other.

Anyhoo (I wonder what is the derivation of that word. I suspect it may be regional or Ivy League in general but who cares anyhoo) I may have inadvertently messed up an encoding machine and there is no one around who knows what to do. But I just tried something out of the blue and it seemed to work only a few precious hours lost in an otherwise miserable day

I see the workload in front of me and I don’t like it, its like being at the beach and small waves come along and you kind of jump with them and every 10 waves or so a 5-6 foot wave comes along and you think “this might hurt” and it doesn’t so you ignore the 12 foot wave and it knocks the hell out of you. The workload looks like a five-foot wave but it is probably a 12-foot wave that will lay you to waste. I may stay late to catch up and it is a good think I set the VCR to tape 24 tonight.

I sometimes gets had to move around, I used to go to the copier frequently to get a little exercise and to chat with someone to restart my brain (my mind goes 1,000,000.00 and hour on inconsequential stuff and I find it hard to concentrate on one item if I have more than 5 items on deck. I often find my self working on tedious but necessary stuff and I start thinking about concerts I’d like to see, or why can’t I visualize the moon-earth-sun during phases of the moon, I just can’t do it, I’ve even tried models but it doesn’t sink in)
But now I am so heave that I save copy jobs so I don’t have to make as many trips.

However in an effort to cleans my body I’ve been drinking copious amounts of water and sugar free lemonade (8 cals per serving and is from actual concentrate lemon juice) and as a result the wear and tear I’ve been saving as a result of saving trips to the copier are more than made up for by trips to the lavatory (as a young budding scientist before I learned that you have to concentrate to be a scientist, I always wondered about the association a laboratory and a lavatory (lavatory is derived from Latin laundry, courtesy of the looky loo who was looking over my shoulder I really hope my hearing gets better)
My urinary tract must be in good order.

It is the rest of me that is a colossal mess.

Tonight’s special threatens to reveal vital plots points and cause Gray matter in most people to question the time space conundrum as Jack Bauer seems to get an unbelievable amount of stuff done in the one hour segments.

Do ya get the feeling if our president saw this show he call Shotgun Chaney to get this guy into his office immediately?

Tomorrow is the birthday of the Late Great “Little John” to those who knew him remember his incredible ability to get completely wasted and sneak away to his vehicle where hidden keys led to accidents, DWI”S, scaring passengers and eventually leading to his loss of license, inability to get (let alone hold job) and after going through his inheritance in a futile effort to find a loop hole in the State code to allow him to have a breathalyzer interlock device on a car so he could get and hold a job. Since he lost that and had 5 years to go before getting his license I helped him get a job with the specific instructions that if he kept his mouth shut and did what he was told he could get a job and it was close enough to his home that he could ride his bike.

Little John, a very loving and intelligent person could not help himself and asked questions on procedure and recommended ways to improve the methodology despite my very explicit instructions that there are federal regulations that would prohibit his “input” and all his ideas had been already thought of.

He annoyed enough people that they “Trusted” him to do stuff he had no business doing by himself and when he failed as expected he was written up enough times that he was offered the opportunity to resign and when he went to talk to a “Suit” who had a open door policy, and is a nice enough guy but a really horrible supervisor came out of the meeting feeling lower than I thought possible and was convinced that despite every single person who loved telling him that he needs to quit drinking and keep his mouth shut, (he accused us of being jealous of his intelligence or those who had no degree of his having a degree and his lot in life was due to bad luck) he chose to take the advice of the suit, to this day I have no Idea what it was but knowing this guy it wasn’t inspiring or “Just keep trying, next time it will work out” it was probably direct, cold, and uninspiring but to be fair Little John was only here about 6 weeks.

A week later I spoke with him and he asked me to call him 11/11/2000 that he was busy studying for a test (in school to delay student loans). This was on 11/08/00

On the morning of 11/11/00 I wondered If Little John had relapsed cause I hadn’t heard and I didn’t want to call because if he answered drunk and asked me for money for rent (he was in very dire straights)

Mid morning I got a call from his manage that he had not picked up his mail or paper for 4 days. I was his contact, he door was locked from the inside. Police came in cut the lock, went inside (the manager wanted to go on inside)

John ate his 9mm gun and he was all over the place

In a final insult his brother from who he was estranged for what I thought was petty reasons was barred from getting his property due to a letter he left with the manager telling his that if anything happened to him his brother was responsible and to call me to deal with his stuff.

There was a confrontation and after talking with the police his brother took his stuff gave me his Cd’s and had him cremated gave me some ashes and put the rest in a teddy bear urn. I don’t think he would have been pleased, but don’t leave your remains to someone you don’t trust.

I bet the last thing that went through his mind after the 9mm was “I fucked up”

Happy birthday dumb ass. Anything to never hit 40 eh.

Sunday, March 05, 2006

Missed it by that much “__”

Missed it by that much “__”

Yesterday right around 4:00 I left work and headed to pick up Girlfriend G, (here ta fore known as G), heading down the freeway thinking about nothing in particular other than making up a list of foodstuff to pick up at the local A&P (it isn’t called the A&P nor have I ever seen a A&P, but I like the way it sounds, as in Hey honey I’m going down to the A&P to get some maple syrup and cigarettes) a police cruiser and EMT SUV passed me like I was standing still. When I got to the Off ramp which is about a half mile away from G’s house I noticed about 10 cruisers, two fire engines, 3-4 ambulances and three very badly wrecked cars. I was actually on the overpass and I saw pieces of cars strewn through out the road, it looked like a car had hit a curb and rolled onto a parking lot of a Park/golf course/skateboard park/swimming pool/softball fields/ doggie park(the complex was laid out in the 60’s when there was nothing out there, no way could anything be built now the expense would be horrific and there is empty space near the on/off ramps, this is my public service announcement of the day). The Fireman was trying to extract the guy from the car and I noticed in my rear view mirror that the police closed off the off ramp behind me. I thought I was able to proceed beyond the carnage. But the police were directing the cars on the overpass back on to the freeway. I was concerned that G would freak out and I hoped that she didn’t hear the accident and I was glad that the sirens were already off.

As I was exiting the overpass to get on the freeway I saw the lifeguard helicopter coming in for a landing. While I hoped that everyone was ok (from what I saw I was very surprised to hear that no on was killed and as of now no one seriously hurt, Hats off to the National Safety council), I had to go several miles out of my was as all the cars forced off as well as all the normal traffic went to the nearest two off ramps. 15 minutes I arrived at G’s house top see her crying hysterically, since I was supposed to arrive at around the time the accident happened and she heard the sirens and saw the helicopter land from her vantage point ¼ mile from her house (she could feel the whop-whop of the helicopter) I was dead, maimed, and not gonna pick her up.

Weekend went well until the Oscars started. Since she may read this blog some day I better let it go.

Back to work tomorrow
Congrats to Phillip Seymour Hoffman for his win.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Going on and on and on

Getting Old

After reading what I wrote I feel it is imperative to note that I am highly sarcastic and opinionated to the point that most people who don’t really know me think I am a total asshole and those who know me like me in spite of my quirks because they know there is rarely any meanness behind my comments or opinions and think I am a very funny guy who should be in Hollywood writing stories for TV. (I get that a lot)

I suppose one of the great tragedies of my life is that I’ve had an extended childhood. I have had self-loathing all my life and I never reached my potential because of fear. Fear as a kid robbed me of the love of learning; I let the fear of bullies as a kid keep me from skipping a grade and I basically stopped trying after that. I remember being told I was smart, even a Genius but I don’t remember being that particularly smart, I just knew how to read in kindergarten and read the paper every day

(Brief soliloquy: as a kid I was fascinated at the progression or regression of my dad’s reading habits when it came to the paper. First he read the front page and I read the sports-comics-front age after he was done, in mid high he read the sport page, which by that time had the comics on the back page. So I read the front page, as the city got bigger so did the paper and the comics float around and are usually on the inside of the last page of the classified section or the trends section, (which used to be called Woman’s world or something like that which is hard to believe). So he read the comics-sports-front page by college. Now retired he reads the front page again, and I piggyback his subscription and read the paper on line)

So I could read but I wasn’t doing calculus or particle physics or anything like that and this was during the space race so I was interested in science but I never pursued anything, and looking back the bullies weren’t packing and it was more psychological abuse than physical, (although you only have to get your ass kicked a few times as a 6 yr old to establish learned behavior) and I ran into them later in life and they acted like I was their bud which was mainly because they forgot and wanted to get some smokeables and they knew I had a family member who had connections.

But that period along with a horrible 6th grad teacher who is one of the few people I actually wished a comet would land on them and vaporize before my very own eyes to the cheers of the student body. But I was only the one who had problems with the teacher and is their failure as a teacher to help me (I must have had problems that medications now available would have vaporized my brain) that I am angry about. I was 12 and cried every day from the new set of bullies (I transferred from catholic-Public in the 6th) and the teasing about my weight, and my general resentment about my place in the universe that frustrates most pre-teens and is often the first step to drug abuse or giving up. It was her job to help me and since this was the early 70’s there was no other help. I remember she was telling a story about this 22 yrs old who week before broke into a house or robbed a gas station (when they sold gas and a few snacks only) with his brother and killed an old man. She remarked that she reached out to him because he had problems and wrote letters to his mid-high teacher stressing he needed extra help, and he got nothing. I must have been a problem child in her eyes because while I never got sent to the principal’s office, I remember having to sit next to her desk because I was vocal or something. Very few liked me and since that was my first and last year before Jr-High, I didn’t really care. Due to a change in boundaries later most of those kids went to a different Jr high and I didn’t have to deal with them until Jr year of HS (reasons why is a different story)
Anyway, back to my point. Which seem to have forgotten

I never married or fathered children and I took the first job after college and haven’t taken life seriously since I was 12. I gave up and now looking at 300 lbs, a job I absolutely hate along with everyone else in the building. (Government jobs are great in the sense that they are safe, but since there is no product to produce other than services to the taxpayer, we tend to be taken advantage of, and sense there are no stock options other than a sweet pension, wages are low for the worker bees and real hard work isn’t always rewarded. But you have to give a damn and like my life prior I don’t care, I don’t like accounting or clerical work and why I got a degree in business is beyond me other than its is easy to find a job if you can do paper work and have a reasonable knowledge of accounting, but the sweet jobs in government are for Information Technology and political favor jobs which aren’t really jobs but titles for wealthy contributors)

But except for my body acquiring a gravity field, I am essentially 16yrs old. I have a great curious streak that keeps me up late watching TV and I love movies and subversive humor (like south park)

I always wanted to be a writer but I’ve never tried anything after 12 yrs old. If it was too hard I gave up. I was a perennial C+ student in HS and College cause I only did the minimum, I have 8 yrs to retirement but will probably never progress beyond my grade unless they reclassify my job (which has happened once) because I don’t try to move and I fail at everything because if it gets hard I give up and blame my weight, my drinking, my lot in life, etc

If I keep up this blog and write thousands of words I am hoping that I can learn to focus on the message I am trying to convey and thus write my experiences and then progress to the great American novel.

At least until it gets hard. Or something is on TV

I do my best writing when I should be working, like now (at time and a half, although I will adjust the time sheet to reflect the actual OT was duty related, lying on a timesheet is one of the few ways to lose a government job, I will cover the other was at another time during lunch)

Happy Oscar weekend to everyone

Friday, March 03, 2006

Fish Day

Fish Day

I walked because I need some kind of exercise; I walked to the corner store/gas station/ evil fast food place. It is about 7 minutes there and same back. It used to be 5 each way but that was 40 lbs ago. I imagine if I were my Ideal weight it would be a 7 minute round trip. I went to get a ticket to the donation to the free school for kids state lottery. A buck and a dream, right? It isn’t millions but enough to quit work and go on a eating and drinking binge for 5 years assuming I don’t move and my sisters and nieces don’t find out, although I would throw them and my folks some bones so a 2 years eating and drinking binge. Or if I join a gym, eat right, change my negative thinking, I could still quit work, learn day trading, make small fortune, lose part of small fortune (I am somewhat risk averse) and maintain 10 year drinking binge and probably still afford the liver transplant if I keep my insurance.

But I digress

Another Fast food restaurant that is a 30-minute roundtrip has a fish sandwich that is worth $2.50 and they will add mustard (I like mustard especially on my fries). The place that is closer but Evil (If I had kids I would forbid them to eat there) has a much smaller sandwich of inferior quality for $2.50. I keep forgetting and I regret my decision. I really believe that the place has radio waves that “encourage people” to buy the slop they serve

The fish tasted like it was from the Aqua-inbred portion of wherever the fish comes from

Happy Friday

Thursday, March 02, 2006

Lies, Dammed lies, or Incompetence

Lies, Dammed lies, or Incompetence

I seen the snippets of Video that indicate (I’m being kind) Bush and his administration knew how bad Katrina would be. I’ve looked closely at Bush’s face and it is clear that he is not able to understand the complexities of the Job. He is Incompetent; I’m sure he feels like he got screwed when he ran for president. He thought that he would lower taxes, appoint conservative judges, and everybody would love him and listen to his pearls of wisdom.

He can’t do the job and I am tired of people or news services that try to shift the blame to non-believers. What has this guy done to get the accolades he receives? Is this guy even aware of what goes on outside a ten-foot circle around him?

He has split America
Because of him no one fears America, and in the long run that may be a good thing, countries will still be cautious in dealing with us, and when China implodes as capitalism overtakes Communism we may be well advised to be as far away as possible. The next depression will happen as the third world countries that make up most of our consumer goods collapse when America runs out of credit.

Concerning Weightier issues
I am 284
I am trying to cut out sugar completely
I took a 15-minute walk
I still have 3 feet of shredding to do
I still cannot sleep
Lunch time over
