Monday, March 06, 2006

Blameless Monday, happy birthday little john

Blameless Monday

I watched the Academy Awards last night and they seemed kind of tepid. Maybe I expected more out of John Stewart. On Larry Kink he expressed his problems with the current administration and the Democrats in a precise logical manner and then with the world watching he does nothing. He looked nervous, as if he wanted to say something but he didn’t pull the string. I guess I don’t know what I expected but he didn’t deliver and the awards were really ho-hum except that it is amazing how many beautiful women there are now and how really young and skinny they are. Back in my day (alert alert alert musings of an old man coming up) the women were more voluptuous and had curves. Todays are healthier and fit and I guess it if deciding between the two it is 6 of one kind and a half dozen of the other.

Anyhoo (I wonder what is the derivation of that word. I suspect it may be regional or Ivy League in general but who cares anyhoo) I may have inadvertently messed up an encoding machine and there is no one around who knows what to do. But I just tried something out of the blue and it seemed to work only a few precious hours lost in an otherwise miserable day

I see the workload in front of me and I don’t like it, its like being at the beach and small waves come along and you kind of jump with them and every 10 waves or so a 5-6 foot wave comes along and you think “this might hurt” and it doesn’t so you ignore the 12 foot wave and it knocks the hell out of you. The workload looks like a five-foot wave but it is probably a 12-foot wave that will lay you to waste. I may stay late to catch up and it is a good think I set the VCR to tape 24 tonight.

I sometimes gets had to move around, I used to go to the copier frequently to get a little exercise and to chat with someone to restart my brain (my mind goes 1,000,000.00 and hour on inconsequential stuff and I find it hard to concentrate on one item if I have more than 5 items on deck. I often find my self working on tedious but necessary stuff and I start thinking about concerts I’d like to see, or why can’t I visualize the moon-earth-sun during phases of the moon, I just can’t do it, I’ve even tried models but it doesn’t sink in)
But now I am so heave that I save copy jobs so I don’t have to make as many trips.

However in an effort to cleans my body I’ve been drinking copious amounts of water and sugar free lemonade (8 cals per serving and is from actual concentrate lemon juice) and as a result the wear and tear I’ve been saving as a result of saving trips to the copier are more than made up for by trips to the lavatory (as a young budding scientist before I learned that you have to concentrate to be a scientist, I always wondered about the association a laboratory and a lavatory (lavatory is derived from Latin laundry, courtesy of the looky loo who was looking over my shoulder I really hope my hearing gets better)
My urinary tract must be in good order.

It is the rest of me that is a colossal mess.

Tonight’s special threatens to reveal vital plots points and cause Gray matter in most people to question the time space conundrum as Jack Bauer seems to get an unbelievable amount of stuff done in the one hour segments.

Do ya get the feeling if our president saw this show he call Shotgun Chaney to get this guy into his office immediately?

Tomorrow is the birthday of the Late Great “Little John” to those who knew him remember his incredible ability to get completely wasted and sneak away to his vehicle where hidden keys led to accidents, DWI”S, scaring passengers and eventually leading to his loss of license, inability to get (let alone hold job) and after going through his inheritance in a futile effort to find a loop hole in the State code to allow him to have a breathalyzer interlock device on a car so he could get and hold a job. Since he lost that and had 5 years to go before getting his license I helped him get a job with the specific instructions that if he kept his mouth shut and did what he was told he could get a job and it was close enough to his home that he could ride his bike.

Little John, a very loving and intelligent person could not help himself and asked questions on procedure and recommended ways to improve the methodology despite my very explicit instructions that there are federal regulations that would prohibit his “input” and all his ideas had been already thought of.

He annoyed enough people that they “Trusted” him to do stuff he had no business doing by himself and when he failed as expected he was written up enough times that he was offered the opportunity to resign and when he went to talk to a “Suit” who had a open door policy, and is a nice enough guy but a really horrible supervisor came out of the meeting feeling lower than I thought possible and was convinced that despite every single person who loved telling him that he needs to quit drinking and keep his mouth shut, (he accused us of being jealous of his intelligence or those who had no degree of his having a degree and his lot in life was due to bad luck) he chose to take the advice of the suit, to this day I have no Idea what it was but knowing this guy it wasn’t inspiring or “Just keep trying, next time it will work out” it was probably direct, cold, and uninspiring but to be fair Little John was only here about 6 weeks.

A week later I spoke with him and he asked me to call him 11/11/2000 that he was busy studying for a test (in school to delay student loans). This was on 11/08/00

On the morning of 11/11/00 I wondered If Little John had relapsed cause I hadn’t heard and I didn’t want to call because if he answered drunk and asked me for money for rent (he was in very dire straights)

Mid morning I got a call from his manage that he had not picked up his mail or paper for 4 days. I was his contact, he door was locked from the inside. Police came in cut the lock, went inside (the manager wanted to go on inside)

John ate his 9mm gun and he was all over the place

In a final insult his brother from who he was estranged for what I thought was petty reasons was barred from getting his property due to a letter he left with the manager telling his that if anything happened to him his brother was responsible and to call me to deal with his stuff.

There was a confrontation and after talking with the police his brother took his stuff gave me his Cd’s and had him cremated gave me some ashes and put the rest in a teddy bear urn. I don’t think he would have been pleased, but don’t leave your remains to someone you don’t trust.

I bet the last thing that went through his mind after the 9mm was “I fucked up”

Happy birthday dumb ass. Anything to never hit 40 eh.

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