Tuesday, December 24, 2019

My Christmas story for 2019

A very old and dear friend of mine, has been in contact with me a lot. His dad is getting sick, and my friend is slowly preparing for the inevitable.
We go way back , hard to believe how long it's been. One of the very original Chales, a subversive group of ner do well kids, whose crimes and misdemeanors are plainly silly in retrospect.
My friend has been hungry and homeless before HS, and being hungry at an early age drove him to make as much money as he could, and he saved much of it. He was always fearful he would lose everything.
This drive ruined his health. We had many discussions over the years, and he always was overly impressed I got a degree and later retired from a job I didn't particularly like.
As you know I made a life decision regarding Gail, and for the most part, I've been slowly staying true to my plan. Gail is the one who moved on. A homeless addict, is much like a deer in the woods. Survival is a daily struggle. No time to say " I love you for sentimental reasons " it's hard to say goodbye.
As he talked me off the wall metaphorically, and I did the same for him. He always says he was " lucky " to be in financial stability, and I reminded him he worked very hard and the physical and mental told it took out on him. He always thanked me and told me how important our friendship is.

I've always sent him cards with the theme, I'm his uncle Danny and the cards were definitely not meant to be seen, and I'd add a dollar or two dollar bill, and I'd write horrible things and alter the picture in a very juvenile manner. He said he has every one

The last week he asked for my address m, even though he knows it and said he put an important note on the card, he kept calling to see if I got it.
I got it and it had a "C-NOTE", a hundred dollars.

He was very emotional and didn't want me to think he was looking down on me, he just wanted for me to have some fun money and he now thinks he'll be ok, he finally got married and feels safe for probably the 1st time ever.

We have some insane plans after we turn 62.

This CHRISTMAS, I wish all of you the Love you seek, the family binds that may frustrate, but keep you sane. I pray you find the peace if mind I am seeking, and the friends i am fortunate to have.
We live in troubled times, and I hope it will not define our reason to hope. No matter which side of the aisle we sit, and I realize my opinion is eating at my soul.
As I get older, I see my only opponent is Time.
I am grateful to you who spend your time with me and are part of what I call
"The Danny V experience:
Peace and Love to you all

Danny V.

Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Cheap trick, dead battery, found wallet, and 13 years later a stolen car

Homeless day 30-Goodbye Gail

August 27, 2019
I let Gail go a month ago.
This would have been 27th anniversary, after pleading and begging Gail decided she rather live in Los Altos Park and live in addiction. I care for her deeply, but she is a far cry from the gal in this picture from 1979.
It was a long and winding friendship and later relationship. I've been going to Nar alon and it's giving me perspective on the opiod crisis that is sweeping the nation.
I see commercials on not giving up on addiction and the people that suffer, but being on the other side isn't easy. It's been a long and strange journey. If she ever finds salvation, we'll probably be friends, but its clear she has moved on from me, all her memories were thrown out by her family and they tapped out completely.
She had special soul, an infectious personality that will serve her well on the streets, and a kinship with spirituality that may save her, but a distant reality I cant see the end of the road. she is an original Chale, but the joke we shared isn't funny anymore.
I'll miss her, I know if she recovers she'll stay away, apropos as many of my friends have been telling me for years it's time to move on, and its finally time to say...