Thursday, September 16, 2010

So who is the cannonball and who is the wall?

The weirdest thing about being involved with a drug addict, is all the grief and emotional toll you allow your self to be subject to, if you have money you can keep an arms length as long as you can afford it or until the other members of the family seeing their inheritance go away, find some maneuvering to get the purse strings cut. My DA probably cost her family in medical bills about 1,000,000. In drug assistance about 60.00 a day for 4-5 years recently and probably 10 times that in the preceding years. What is troubling (to me anyway) is that she would panhandle 2-3x that by dressing up and inventing stories to get people to give twenties and a few times a fifty. I think there is some guilt there maybe because they know she is a drug addict and they probably have a close relative that got cut off.

The DA got cut off in June when her father moved to Florida to get away since he could not bring himself to say no, she still gets 200.00 a week plus food stamps, but it barely lasts a day

Just got a call that the DA is freaking out and needs her Friday 10.00 today (more about that later) it then became 20.00 and the DA is loosing her minds and is going to free the cat (like she is the loony chick in breakfast at tiffany’s) and needs me there with twenty bucks and she can’t catch the cat

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