Sunday, April 12, 2020

Covid-19 Quarantine Day 30

Well its been 30 days, I've left a few times to resupply.  Mom is terrified,  if we leave we have to wash down and change clothes.

My TBI Sister is restless and believes Jesus will protect her.  She wants to do laundry. MA said no and she ignored her.  She can't ignore me.  Last year she threatened me when Ma was in San Diego,  she honestly believed she could kick my ass and took a swing at me and smacked me in the face.  Out of pure instinct I punched her in the shoulder and she went down.  I politely informed her if she wants to fight i will accommodate her.

No birthday this year, but I'm almost 60.  A dear friend from. MCCURDY sent me some money, and I decided last night to buy 20 pair of underwear. 
I can't do laundry 
People seem to be doing well, we are together,  I hope it lasts

The Cats: The Wiz, Crooked the Cat, Sally the Instigator. And Luda the Cris are a great source of entertainment 

Trump is a real asshole

Monday, January 27, 2020

Homeless day 182

It's been a while, Gail has gone through several bags of clothes. An extra 500.00,  recent 500.00 that lasted 2 days, and several hospital stays that last until she doesn't get the meds she wants.  I got a call that she was in hospital the day after another hospital was looking for her bec6she walked out before they finished her treatment for abscess from injections, ( which she denys).

I saw her Friday, got a call from her health care, she was kicked out of ER at Kaseman for pulling out IV.  A very nice person JUV, waiting with her, I told him I have her meds an $5.00.
She tapped on window,  I ignored her, JUV thanked me.  I left.  I texted him and asked if she had any clothes, he didn't know. 
I got her 2pants, 2 shirts, hoodie 3 pair socks. 
She looks terrible , is getting breathing treatments every 4 hours.
Saw her today, took her waffle stompers, she complained,  the nurse asked why she has abscess on both hips. I thought it was obvious,  gail made a shooting motion at her arm, I remarked that she uses dirty needles.
I dressed her, and remarked " I usually take your pants off, not put them on"
She asked how much money she is getting for her birthday,  I said none, she got unhappy,  and I left. 
I was having lunch with E--.
I missed her call, a cell phone call came in, I couldn't hear.  I knew what happened,  but waited,  called at 6pm.  She isn't in there anymore.  I told E-- I'll probably have to pay for funeral. if she lives to my 60th. I'll be stunned.
Heroin wins again