Friday, December 16, 2005

Merry Christmas From the Comission for the Blind

Below is an E-mail I received this morning, Puzzled I made inquiries

From: Tanner, Diana, XXX Sent Thu 12/15/2005
11:16 AM
To: XXX-XXXX employees


Subject: Items from Cafeteria

At the request of Deputy Secretary XXXXXXX Hill . . .

If you removed any items from the 1st floor cafeteria, please return all items to the 4th floor conference room (south half) before 2:00 pm TODAY.

We have a café the by State Statute has to be run by the State Commission for the Blind, and the management is always changing because it is very hard to make money because it is cheaper to go to a fast food restaurant, and frankly vision impaired people don’t cook very well and people they hire tend to steal from them. Subcontractors have been caught using food beyond the expiration date to stretch a buck. So the Café has been closed for a couple of months.

Last week a new café was set to open and the Manager (Jerry) gave out hot chocolate for free and begged people to eat at his café so he can be a productive person (it was sad, real sad). So his café opened Monday and as usual the food was so-so and overpriced but he had a decent turnout.

This morning the director for the State commission for the blind came in and had it out with Jerry telling him that there were too many complaints and he was out, the director went upstairs to formally disclose the info to the Department Secretary. Jerry gets pissed and tells everyone to help them selves to what ever they want, (remember he opened Monday) so a lot of people (I didn’t hear until it was too late) did just that. Emptied the shelves of candy, chips, cokes, cookies, sandwiches, and anything cooked.

The director came down got real pissed and started forcing the staff out the door, Jerry yelled at his mom to get the cash and the director physically blocked Jerry’s mom from doing so. Meanwhile the security guards came down to help (aged 70 and 68) the guards were fighting with a blind guy and his mom keeping them from the register and a few other people forced them out the building.

Shades of the Candy Machine incident in 1976

Hope you are having a nice Holiday season

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

summer over

October 11, 2005

To say I have been gone a while would be a sever under statement. My keyboard appears to have some type of electrical problem. Could be a loose wire, {Could be}, Maybe it needs to be cleaned, {it does}

But a new one is like 20 bucks, but I have to wait 3 weeks. If I lift it up and bank on it sort of works but that is too much of a hassle

I am broke and will achieve new heights in a month after I take a trip with my parental units. I am still fat (280) tired, hate my job {leave}

But a good summer
And Green Day-which was one of the fun-est, spiritual concerts in a very long time
Never sat down
People were dancing, singing, grooving to the tunes
If you were a dude from 6-60 you were covered
I saw a few dads showing their kids how to make the heavy metal sign, it was cute and gratifying to see little fingers try to make the sign

It was
Tooooo cooool for school

Sunday, September 04, 2005


Ozzfest was awesome
the whole day was incredible
got 450 pictures, got back stage with the PILARS package
took 2 hours to get home
met the wicked Wisdom band

Monday, May 09, 2005

Got my tickets and my ears clogged

Ok so like I didn't want a hole burned in my eardrum and a drain put in so I had a hearing test and due to years of head banging it would not help much so I have to pop my ears 7-8 times a day which is a drag but I got my ozzy tickets so I am a happy but fat man

Wednesday, February 16, 2005

sorry I havent written

Hey folks
ok so no one reads this but I have tried to be creative but the well is dry. Tomorrow I have a CT scan to determine why I hear fluid inside my head but the ear canals are dry

thanks for reading

Friday, January 21, 2005

1st day of the 2nt 4 years of the idiot

January 12, 2005
Education is when you read the fine print. Experience is what you get if you don't. -Pete Seeger
I am seeking Serendipity in any form, last night I rolled change, and I have about 40 bucks, My niece turns 18 in 3 ½ weeks and I wanted to give her 100 dollars, looks like I may make it even thought I have car payments on the neigh horizon. (Who talks like that now a days)

GF? got a new TV and neither her nor her dad could figure out the antenna, (it needed a coaxial connection) GF? got real manic and was flipping out and her dad went out and bought a new antenna and the TV works and everyone is happy. Especially me cause I got paid what GF? owed me.

January 13, 2005
GF? blew me off yesterday and wanted the 20 bucks her dad gave me for food, so I responded by chasing the $7 high, I woke up congested, and I may have inadvertently screwed a coworker.
Today's sentence of the day
I got a tendentious version of events on the west coast from my cousin concerning the new living arrangements.
GF? has called at 11:15 am and dropped the line she is going out shopping, my voice is raspy and I told her that I will be too sick to see her tonight, I am growing tired of her ups and downs and now that she has a TV I am looking for an exit strategy, spoke to Bill last night and I am sure I annoyed him because of the $7 high but he has no camcorder so it looks like I will not make the "Biggest Loser"
I may take GF? to Wal-Mart because she is tired and is hungry, I told her that I don't feel well and I will take her but that is about it. However she called just before 5:00 and said she doesn't want to go
DG is unhappy with his pay and is trying to negotiate a 15% but won't do the hard work and will settle for 10%.
Maybe I'm paranoid but I saw Sincty in NS1's office talking to NS1 and KNS.

January 14, 2005
Last night I called GF? during CSI and she acted like her dog died and kept calling with how depressed she is, she blew he 20 bucks on junk and was crying about how hungry she was. When the story about Michael Jackson came on she called every commercial break. MJ is a sick freak and should be gangbanged for the rest of his life.
Meeting with Sincty she raised her voice I called her on it and as usual she got her way, this year changes must be made but I have to withdraw from society, so to speak. I can't let my anger divide me. I get the same pay no matter what. Thank god for 3 day weekend, must avoid negative thoughts, negative thoughts make negative people

January 18, 2005

Took Niece II to see White Noise yesterday, she was kind of quiet, but I managed to make her laugh, its weird to see how much they have grown.
Quote of the day
Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate; only love can do that. -Martin Luther King, Jr.
Word of the day
Importune 1: to press or urge with troublesome persistence *2: annoy, trouble 3: to beg, urge, or solicit persistently or troublesomely
Hmmm as in People at work importune on a consistent basis so they can impose their will on weak-minded individuals.
I am so tired, the back of my knees hurt, I must do the exorcises, I even mailed out my first pmt on the car

January 21, 2005

Worked out
1/4 hour bike 3.01 miles
swam 15 minutes
saw some very hot girls driving all the men crazy, wish I had my glasses on to see if they were jailbait (they probably were)
272 soaking wet
mow I can’t sleep

"Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary
Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety
Ben Franklin

Monday, January 10, 2005

10 days and 272 lbs

January 9, 2005

Its 8:19 and it is the end of another weekend. The peoples choice awards are on opposite 24 (how many bad days can this guy take?) Normally I would watch 24 but they snuck in two shows tonight and I want to see if Michael Moore wins, also the following has happened

A relative passed away last week and his funeral was up north in the mountains, my new car was having problems and it got fixed by my sister wanted to drive and we had a long talk which reminded me what I have been missing, my younger niece is having problems and my sister asked me to get more involved in her life as her dad is having major problems,

I weigh 272, hate my job and my chosen is having unusual problems which means that she is probably using or floundering. I of course am still drinking and eating and the new car payments will necessitate a change in lifestyle.

January 10, 2004
Don't let the fear of striking out hold you back.

-Babe Ruth
Another day in paradise got E-mail from a doughty Osta who is preparing to leave for Kuwait. He sent some fun pictures of him going through a gas chamber. Looks like fun.
Somehow someone hacked my password from AOL had I probably have a virus that takes my password and messes up everything and sends out IM to whomever and they are apparently dirty.
Girl has been calling and I am becoming ambivalent about the whole thing. I drank a lot after Tio Ramon's funeral and I kind of blew her off Sunday but I tried to make amends and Girl wanted to punish me but I don't really care as I had a lot of stuff to do. I enjoyed being with Sister, we had a nice talk and She recommended I get more involved in Amber's goings on. She is pretty trenchant and I am concerned about her (Amber). My sister's husband celebrated his job interview by using he knows he will be drug tested but doesn't think it will hurt his chances.
I continue to fall behind, Mary is being set upon by STO and DFA and it is being passed along to me, the recon should not be that hard but easy items to spot are getting through and I am frustrated because I fell behind due to my computer falling apart and the use it or lose it policy. I can't take the stress and it is partially due to my health, Girl, pain, and I hate my job, I have car payments and I don't think I am getting any help here at work, my AOL account has been compromised and it will probably cost me money to keep it going, a new computer or software.
Girl has fallen again, I sometimes wish that I would have a stroke or something that would keep me laid up for 2-3 months, I could rest get my head together. Something. If only Mr. lotto would come to my rescue, a little something so I could pay off everything and take a year off to get my head together. It would be worth it.
The day is almost over and I finally helped my coworker finish her recon, it was driving me nuts but I looked at a few things and was able to help break the code.
Two episodes of 24, tonight cool !!

Wednesday, January 05, 2005

where did the time go

this is a quick update and I will try to finish later
my truck has died, it threw a rod
I am trying to get rid of it
I even posted it on the charity website daring anyone to come get it
no one has responded