Friday, December 16, 2005

Merry Christmas From the Comission for the Blind

Below is an E-mail I received this morning, Puzzled I made inquiries

From: Tanner, Diana, XXX Sent Thu 12/15/2005
11:16 AM
To: XXX-XXXX employees


Subject: Items from Cafeteria

At the request of Deputy Secretary XXXXXXX Hill . . .

If you removed any items from the 1st floor cafeteria, please return all items to the 4th floor conference room (south half) before 2:00 pm TODAY.

We have a café the by State Statute has to be run by the State Commission for the Blind, and the management is always changing because it is very hard to make money because it is cheaper to go to a fast food restaurant, and frankly vision impaired people don’t cook very well and people they hire tend to steal from them. Subcontractors have been caught using food beyond the expiration date to stretch a buck. So the Café has been closed for a couple of months.

Last week a new café was set to open and the Manager (Jerry) gave out hot chocolate for free and begged people to eat at his café so he can be a productive person (it was sad, real sad). So his café opened Monday and as usual the food was so-so and overpriced but he had a decent turnout.

This morning the director for the State commission for the blind came in and had it out with Jerry telling him that there were too many complaints and he was out, the director went upstairs to formally disclose the info to the Department Secretary. Jerry gets pissed and tells everyone to help them selves to what ever they want, (remember he opened Monday) so a lot of people (I didn’t hear until it was too late) did just that. Emptied the shelves of candy, chips, cokes, cookies, sandwiches, and anything cooked.

The director came down got real pissed and started forcing the staff out the door, Jerry yelled at his mom to get the cash and the director physically blocked Jerry’s mom from doing so. Meanwhile the security guards came down to help (aged 70 and 68) the guards were fighting with a blind guy and his mom keeping them from the register and a few other people forced them out the building.

Shades of the Candy Machine incident in 1976

Hope you are having a nice Holiday season

1 comment:

Sir-eats-a-lot said...


thanks for the link
I did find it interesting
I'm not being a smart ass but do you wear the big hats and how much do they cost (like do you get the first one free) and are thay hard to clean