Tuesday, September 28, 2004

Blog me Beethoven

George Bush must be defeated

As part of my endless attempt to reconnect neurons destroyed by unsupervised LSD experiments, when I was far too young to appreciate either the high or long-term effects. I purchased a few classical CD’s to jolt my creativity. I selected Beethoven’s 9th for 4 bucks at a cd place that sold used music. I wondered how desperate would someone have to be to sell used classical CD’s. That’s a high I don’t want to chase.

I also ordered the soundtrack to “immortal beloved” and an accompanying soundtrack. I am a severe novice to classical, as well as other music. (I’m of the belief that Metallica sold their soul to the devil after “and justice for all” to get fans). I see why people would sit in a concert hall dressed up listening to about a hundred musicians playing. While it is very pleasant to the ears I don’t fell any smarter, creative, or enabled. I do feel like I went to another place like when I first heard Dark side of the Moon on a FM station about 30 years ago.

I’m still eating a lot and my body won’t allow for minimal working out but I haven’t inhaled a quart of Whisky for a week or so but I still feel the need as the person I thought would be my better half is still banging her head against my will to compose my self. Active Substance Abuse users will do anything to keep contact with a human being or someone who doesn’t have the intense desire to suck on a glass tube and sell their soul to get the high. More fruit and water for my enlarged prostrate, more fiber to become regular. I can’t believe the conversations I have with people my age, and I’m not even 50. How did I go from a kid with a brilliant future to a career lower management man with limited resources? Booze, pot, TV and overestimation of my brilliance I believe. So it goes

Hurricanes to the right, Volcanoes to the north, Earthquakes to the left, and god only knows what will happen to the south, except it will be blamed on the Mexicans.

Work must be done, papers must be moved, time must be shuffled

George Bush must be defeated

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