Thursday, April 26, 2007

The Fat man and homeland security

April 26, 2007

Didn’t realize it had been this long, much has happened, my PU got into it with S2 over N2, and S2 basically told PU1 to [blank] off, and S2 called me and vented youthful frustrations that happened along time ago, as I don’t share S2 views exactly I didn’t argue, but expressed my concerns over long term effects

Got creamed 4/20 and 4/21 was nonexistent, didn’t recover enough to eat until 11:00pm, BS was 96, Gf announced plans to come over but Gf never did, Gf was pretty out of it and still wants to avoid trial but wants to go directly to CS, but Gf may be stuck with the court ordered evaluation program. This means of course Gf may be subject to testing. Gf wants to come over to restore some normalcy but as I explained in my last letter to her I don’t feel a connection anymore all Gf wants is laundry, cokes, a deep deep nap, and then with the excuse that kitty will be scared and she has to go, so when Gf didn’t make it, I felt more relief than anxiety.

Finally got license renewed, I got a hold of the Secretary of state office that deals with this and I faxed copy of passport, SSI card, and current license on Friday, and a statement that I had never driven in the state, I tried the local offices and was told ‘Tough Beans” there is nothing I could do and some a-hole at the MVD suggested I contact the officer that issued the ticket, Unf***ing believable.

End lunch

I called the SOS and they got the fax and they even called me when they sent the fax, I got my license but the hold wasn’t removed. I keep the fax in the pouch with the registration. Homeland security at work.

I have an interview with violent crime reparations; D used to work there and said it is a good place to work. My lack of confidence tells me the job is beyond me; my lack of interest at work will get me into trouble. I had a few pops last night and sleep was not provided. I am tired, and LOST reaffirms that I should had tried to be a writer in college.

We thought we could do it
We thought we were immortal
I knew the signal
But chose to ignore it
I hoped for success
But did nothing to achieve it
The failure was mine,
but your to share
(sidebar: I just saw a show about a penis fish, god am I patheric)

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