Tuesday, November 09, 2004

Letter of the 8th, number 10 on the count up

November 8, 2004

It was good to see you Saturday, I slept most of Sunday and my mind is still in a fog. Last week is an illusion and I have been looking at my e-mails and I still cannot accept that Bush won, except that since he looks like Alfred E Newman I will start referring to his as Alfred. Well back to work there are many daily inspirations in my inbox and I got a note from JC about X
Hey man,

sorry - I've been away from the office for obvious reasons. Back today
for a half day, and hopefully back fulltime next week. Thanks for the
good wishes. I'm such a luddite that photos will be problematic. But not undoable, and as soon as I can manage it I will send some. I'm under no illusions - he looks like his father was Kim Jong Il, and his mother was Yoda. But I think he's beautiful and he's mine all mine.

I like the dreams for the future better than the history of the past. - Thomas Jefferson

The state of your life is nothing more than a reflection of your state of mind. - Dr. Wayne Dyer

I’ve been here since 7:30 and I am still in a bit of a daze. I must have some kind of fever, because I always feel warm and my apt felt this weekend like it was almost a furnace. It was 80 but I don’t know if having the humidifier on all the time had something to do with it. It is supposed to get colder this week and I left the window open today in the hopes that it will cool down the room and air it out a bit, it smells like Vicks vapor rub and I am tired of the smell.

Just received a picture of x when he was minutes old, very impressive looking kid, although I think that JC now looks older than I do but it could be the thinning hairline. I’m feeling much worse now and I wonder if my sinus allergies are going to be acting up again like they did about 10 years ago. Remember all the pills I had to take? I remember that you were worried about my headaches and you always tried to get Dr Pain to give me pain medication. (Hah!)

It is almost lunchtime and I would buy lunch but the café has dropped off somewhat, it is a little expensive (to me anyway, meals are about $5.00 including a drink) and he is a Bush butt boy and I am not going to do anything to help out the m-fers who helped Alfred get elected.

Went downtown to cool down but now I am sweating profusely and my tummy is growling (ROAR) so I may have to buy a chicken sandwich
I did buy a chicken sandwich and it is only ok but it was made fresh. Tomorrow is Mary’s birthday. I think she will be about over 18. Now that I have eaten a little I feel much worse. Is it possible to get sick from eating a bird sandwich? More I cannot say, the illusions are bye the way, it cannot be the chosen day, and I’m tired of rooting for Tampa Bay.

I stopped by the post office and a uniformed Federal official sold me two stamped envelopes for $0.90 Neat!!
I don’t feel so good and this place doesn’t help out my disposition. I will go buy some more cold tablets and I may need to buy some day tablets, it might help me feel better. I am still getting e-mail from the Democratic Party, they can’t want more money now can they? Planning for 2008? ‘Sir-eats-a-lot-Great American, President’ ha!

Alf has a new talk show and it is very funny but he slammed Henry Winkler and didn’t know he was standing behind him, I think it was a set up but I don’t know if Alf has decent Peripheral vision and I can’t understand why the camerman didn’t warn him
That’s all

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