Friday, March 03, 2006

Fish Day

Fish Day

I walked because I need some kind of exercise; I walked to the corner store/gas station/ evil fast food place. It is about 7 minutes there and same back. It used to be 5 each way but that was 40 lbs ago. I imagine if I were my Ideal weight it would be a 7 minute round trip. I went to get a ticket to the donation to the free school for kids state lottery. A buck and a dream, right? It isn’t millions but enough to quit work and go on a eating and drinking binge for 5 years assuming I don’t move and my sisters and nieces don’t find out, although I would throw them and my folks some bones so a 2 years eating and drinking binge. Or if I join a gym, eat right, change my negative thinking, I could still quit work, learn day trading, make small fortune, lose part of small fortune (I am somewhat risk averse) and maintain 10 year drinking binge and probably still afford the liver transplant if I keep my insurance.

But I digress

Another Fast food restaurant that is a 30-minute roundtrip has a fish sandwich that is worth $2.50 and they will add mustard (I like mustard especially on my fries). The place that is closer but Evil (If I had kids I would forbid them to eat there) has a much smaller sandwich of inferior quality for $2.50. I keep forgetting and I regret my decision. I really believe that the place has radio waves that “encourage people” to buy the slop they serve

The fish tasted like it was from the Aqua-inbred portion of wherever the fish comes from

Happy Friday

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