Thursday, March 02, 2006

Lies, Dammed lies, or Incompetence

Lies, Dammed lies, or Incompetence

I seen the snippets of Video that indicate (I’m being kind) Bush and his administration knew how bad Katrina would be. I’ve looked closely at Bush’s face and it is clear that he is not able to understand the complexities of the Job. He is Incompetent; I’m sure he feels like he got screwed when he ran for president. He thought that he would lower taxes, appoint conservative judges, and everybody would love him and listen to his pearls of wisdom.

He can’t do the job and I am tired of people or news services that try to shift the blame to non-believers. What has this guy done to get the accolades he receives? Is this guy even aware of what goes on outside a ten-foot circle around him?

He has split America
Because of him no one fears America, and in the long run that may be a good thing, countries will still be cautious in dealing with us, and when China implodes as capitalism overtakes Communism we may be well advised to be as far away as possible. The next depression will happen as the third world countries that make up most of our consumer goods collapse when America runs out of credit.

Concerning Weightier issues
I am 284
I am trying to cut out sugar completely
I took a 15-minute walk
I still have 3 feet of shredding to do
I still cannot sleep
Lunch time over


1 comment:

Unknown said...

Interesting blog you have here! You recently visited mine while instructing a young person about how to surf the internet for information... and unfortunatly, came accross my outdated website. I have attempted to make ammends by putting a new post with information concerning those topics one might encounter when searching for words such as "Score" or "Lincoln".

Stop by and check it out!

BTW, You are spot on about bush and his cronnies. This culture of corruption must end!

Good luck with Lent. I wish you well cutting out sugar. I am forgoing "eating out". No more stops at the McDonalds!
